In The News - HFM Week - Altana launch Carbon Futures fund

London-based Altana Wealth has launched a new futures hedge fund to benefit from the EU carbon emissions market.

By Fraser Irving

The fund, named Altana Carbon Futures Opportunity, was launched last month to trade carbon futures. It uses dynamic knock-out options to limit downside exposure in the event of sudden price corrections.

It is understood the firm launched the fund to capitalise on the EU’s plan to drive carbon market prices up, forcing companies to look at alternative ways to carry out business in a more carbon efficient way.

The firm claimed that a shrinking supply and increasing demand in carbon will drive prices up and that lawmakers are currently incentivised to drive prices higher.

The firm has already raised around $10m in assets for the fund.

Altana Carbon Futures Opportunity will be managed by Altana portfolio manager Callum Lee and will offer investors monthly liquidity with 2x leverage on a 1/10 fee structure.

The Luxembourg-domiciled vehicle is audited by Grant Thornton, while Creatrust will carry out administration and State Street will provide depositary services.

Altana was launched by CIO Lee Robinson in 2010 following stints at Deutsche Bank, Tudor Investment Corporation and 10 years at Trafalgar Asset Managers.

The firm now trades a number of strategies across cryptocurrencies, fixed income, currencies, multi-manager, social impact, special situations, distressed and systematic.

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