Alternative Fund Insight- Carbon market opportunity draws increasing interest


by Will Wainewright

London-based Altana, founded by veteran investor Lee Robinson and managing $500m, is building a “diversified portfolio of high-quality, credible voluntary offsets.”

The unit, Altana Carbon Investments, will buy these on a forward basis until 2026 when they will be sold on to corporate and government buyers.

“This market is currently trading at a steep discount to compliance markets and well below other abatement costs,” according to a marketing deck.

Investing in carbon offsets not only offers exposure to rising carbon prices, but a narrowing of the discount to the mandatory markets like the EU Emission Trading Scheme, according to Altana.

…Lombard Odier, Altana, Carbon Capital and the growing band running a carbon strategy will hope rising prices bring them strategy gains and interest from investors looking to profit from the net zero drive.

You can read the full article here